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No Vehicles on Cross Country Course...

We ask that parents do not take vehicles on the XC course as vehicles pose many safety issues as well as wear and tear on the course.

Parents are also reminded that they must keep a safe distance from horses & riders at all times whilst out on the XC Course.


Lessons   commence at 10.00am SHARP! Lessons   WILL COMMENCE WITHOUT YOU   if you're not ready!!!

Please make sure you arrive in enough time to help with equipment set-up and getting your horse ready for your first lesson.    


First thing on Rally morning, please bring your membership card to the club rooms to be registered in the Attendance Book and pay for your lunch order if you submitted an order online.

We DO NOT have change of $50 notes!  


Gear Check...

9.45am SHARP alongside showjumping arena at GREEN HUT (also known as "Henry")

If you don't present for GEAR CHECK ON TIME you will not receive any points towards the "Best Presented" Award at the end of the membership year.


Upon arrival and prior to departure ALL FAMILIES are to help SET-UP & PACK-UP EQUIPMENT

Lessons will not commence until all equipment has been set-up - the less help, the less time your child receives with the instructor.


No Mounting or Riding in the Horse Yards

PLEASE NOTE: under no circumstance is there to be any mounting or riding of horses in the horse yards/corrals.

Walking Pace at All Times...

between lessons and to/from yards etc. UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED


The Rally Lesson Plan will be available in the club rooms on Rally Day.

Members are encouraged to try every discipline offered by Pony Club.  If a member does not wish to participate/continue in their allocated lesson, they must either watch the lesson from the sidelines or return to the yards and untack their horse.

Members cannot join other lessons as they please and must advise their instructor if they decide to sit out a lesson.


If your horse is unfit for riding, you can still attend the rally "unmounted". When doing so, you are still required to be in full rally uniform and help the DC throughout the day to gain an "unmounted" rally attendance on your membership card.

For junior club members, unmounted rallies may qualify toward the eligibility requirements for competitions.


Riding more than one Horse?

A junior or associate member may gain a mounted rally attendance with up to two horses providing they have both been ridden under instruction on the day.

Make sure you let us know on Rally morning.


Nicole (Club DC)
0417 699 239

Unable to Make it?

If you've registered to attend this Rally and find that, for whatever reason, you are no longer able to make it, please let us know.

Prior to rally day you can simply message us on Facebook or email us ( meltondistrictponyclub@gmail. com) to let us know.

However if you find on RALLY MORNINGthat you are no longer able to make it to the Rally, please send a quick text message to 0417 699 239 to let us know.

Two reasons we need to know if you won't be coming...
1) We can cancel your lunch order (if you've placed one) and re-sell your ordered items.
2) Lessons won't be held up waiting for you to arrive.


Lunch Meeting

Don't forget we hold an informal meeting at the end of lunch break BEFORE everyone heads back out to start tacking up for the afternoon.


Please make sure you hang around.


Bringing a New Horse?

Before you ride on rally morning, please make sure we have your new horses full details for entry onto your membership card.

  • Common Name
  • Registered/Show Name (if any)
  • Horses Age

NOTE: the DC must assess any horse under 4 years of age to ensure it is safe (for everyone) for it to take part in the club rally. Horses under 4 years of age are not to take part in any jumping of any kind (show jumping or cross country), nor can they be graded.


Shut the Gate!

Please remember to SHUT THE GATE behind you whenever you arrive or leave the Equestrian Park Grounds.

Not only is this for the safety of your horses, but it is also a PCAV requirement - we don't want any horses getting out onto the roadways and possibly injuring themselves or causing harm to others by way of accidents etc.


Rally Uniform

All MOUNTED and U NMOUNTED members MUST be in FULL RALLY UNIFORM . New members have a small "grace" period in order to obtain their uniform.

  • Club Embroidered Polo Top
  • Maroon or Bone Jodhpurs
  • Club Jacket, Jumper or general jacket (if cold)
  • PCV approved short/long riding boots
  • Club Saddle Cloth (or plain maroon)
  • Medical Arm Band (optional)
  • ASA Approved Helmet (when mounted)


Protective Vests

Members are reminded that it is a Melton & District Pony Club Policy that Protective Vests be worn by all members when out on the Cross Country Course.

The club has a number of various sizes available for members to use on Rally Days if they do not have their own.  Please remember that all vests must be signed out/in by a Committee Member - please DO NOT help yourself!


No Smoking

A reminder that there is no alcohol permitted on Melton Equestrian Park Grounds and that, by law, Smoking is banned within 10 meters (two car lengths) of outdoor sporting venues during under 18's events in Victoria.

Please ensure you are at least 10 meters away from any ARENA, CROSS COUNTRY JUMP or the CLUBROOMSif you are smoking. There is also NO SMOKING in the Toilets.

It is the members responsibility to ensure that any visitors they bring  along on Rally Days is aware of these regulations and laws.


Keep Grounds Clean

Please do the right thing and clean up after yourself in the club rooms, around the grounds and in the horse yards.

It shouldn't be up to those left behind locking up to pick up YOUR rubbish and ensure everything is clean for the next user group.


Manure Bay

Please DO NOT put manure around any TREES.

We have a MANURE BAY for this purpose, so please help us keep the grounds tidy (and the trees alive) by using the manure bay when cleaning your yards after use.                                        



Please leave Horse Yards and Horse Wash CLEAN!

Please ensure that the horse yards and horse wash are clean prior to leaving on rally days.

Other clubs/groups use the grounds and it would be appreciated if they were left clean and tidy for the next users.                                          


Pony Yards

Yards 1-10 are for Ponies 14hh and under ONLY - please use Horse Yards if your horse is larger than 14hh


Horse Wash

Conditions of use...

  1. Remove horse manure with shovel provided (DO NOT HOSE INTO DRAIN)
  2. Hose off excess dirt from concrete
  3. Please do not leave water running
  4. Please treat this facility as if it were your own
  5. Please leave horse wash clean

Aluminium Can Recycling...

An aluminium can recycling bin has been set-up under the verandah of the club rooms (with a can crusher close by).

Please place ALL EMPTY aluminium cans in this bin so that MEPAG (Melton Equestrian Park Advisory Group) can cash them in to raise a few dollars for the purchase of fuel for the ride-on and hand mowers used to maintain the grounds :)

Feel free to bring any from home along as well :)


No Pets Allowed

Strictly no dogs permitted on the grounds during club rallies or events.

Service/medical/therapy dogs exempt - to be on lead at all times.

Please remember that not all horses are happy and confident around dogs - for the safety of all of members DO NOT bring your dog!


Theory Books

All members currently working towards gaining PCA certificates, please remember to bring your workbooks along with you to ALL rallies. If you would like to work towards gaining your PCA certificates, but you're not sure what the PCA Certificates are... please see Nicole at the Rally,
Workbooks are available for purchase directly from Pony Club Australia: au/certificate-manuals/



If you require grading at a rally, you MUST download and fill in the "Grading Request Form" and forward to the DC prior to the rally. Download HERE : 1K7yS.../view...

Email completed "Grading Request Form" to

To help parents/riders understand the Grading requirements for each level, you can view the "Guidelines for Grading" HERE : 1iG1q7Wc.../view...
These requirements and links have been added to the Online Attendance Register for your convenience. 1FAIpQLSdfPdxA91XtaI.../ viewform


A reminder that any lunging is to take place in the Vet Check area at Rallies.

If area is in use for a lesson, check with DC for alternative suitable area.

MDPC Members