Gear Check

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A gear check is conducted to promote safety and to maintain a high standard of  presentation of both horse and rider.
Points included in the gear check are...

HORSE Clean Coat (brushed but not washed in cold weather)
Bot eggs removed
Mane & Tail clean and neat
Hooves Clean and Oiled
Eyes and Nose Clean
RIDER Clean and neat Club Rally Uniform
Long Hair neat and tied back
Helmet clean
Boots clean
Earings/Studs removed or taped
Jewellery removed
GEAR Saddle & Bridle clean and oiled
Tack Safe - no worn leathers or frayed stitching
Gear fitted correctly
Bit clean
Saddlepad clean and fitted correctly
Saddle fitted correctly and as per PCA requirements
Always refer to current gear rules if in doubt about any of your gear.

view PCA National Gear Rules here

Members are NOT judged on the type of horse or gear.
Cleanliness and safety are the only points being considered.
It is essential for comfort and safety, that all gear is fitted correctly.